
Take a break and read all about Cylinder Safety!


Oxygen Cylinder Disembowels Driver

A deliver driver was moving a fully charged Oxygen cylinder for transport. The oxygen storage cylinder was 4.5 feet tall and pressurized to approximately 2000 psi. The driver was rolling the cylinder at a slant, using the base of the cylinder as a pivot point/rolling base. The valve was facing his abdomen. It is unknown for certain but likely was not capped.


Rupture At 29,000 Feet

Facilities and companies follow strict regulations and safety protocols to prevent accidents. The aviation industry is just one example where safety is paramount. If an issue develops on a plane it could be catastrophic. Aviation systems are engineered to the highest standards, and the slightest issue can ground a plane. Systems are checked, re-checked and pre-flight inspections are conducted before each flight. 


Cleaning Cylinders

Cylinders are expected to be clean and store their contents without any additional contaminates. If the interior of the cylinder has not been exposed to a contaminate, the gases it supplies should be as pure on the date of discharge as its purity on the date it was added to the cylinder. However, during its normal use, contaminates can enter the cylinder in some unintentional circumstances. Examples include: contaminated water may not be fully removed after hydrostatic requalification’, an improperly functioning compressor may add oil, contaminates may be added if the cylinder loses pressure and creates an interior vacuum or an unsuspecting person may add a component unknowingly. In any of these circumstances, procedures need to be developed to remove the contaminates and maintain the cleanliness of the cylinder.


The Force near you: Part 2 of 2

Part 2 – In the first part of this series we talked about determining the explosive force of a rupturing cylinder. It was discussed that there are number of factors and it is difficult to determine an exact number or equivalent force.

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