Cylinders and Fires; Why some go boom and others just poof
When cylinders are exposed to fires, why do some of them explode and others do not?
When cylinders are exposed to fires, why do some of them explode and others do not?
Cylinders rupture all over the world, for many reasons. Some people believe that since it happens in some countries, it wont happen to them in their country. People handling cylinders become too comfortable . Constant training will help avoid accidents, investigations and civil litigation.
Father witnesses two sons killed when moving an oxygen cylinder. There was no training and the adult sons were just trying to help.
Don’t condemn a perfectly good cylinder. Learn to tell the difference between a TAP stop and a crack.
Failing to follow basic cylinder handling procedures caused loss of life, damage and a large court fine. Uncapped cylinders fell over, causing a cascade effect.
In the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), regulates and investigates workplace safety. Most countries have their equivalent of OSHA which works in a similar manner. OSHA may conduct random checks, follow up on registered complaints or investigate accidents involving the safety of workers.