
Take a break and read all about Cylinder Safety!

Cylinder Safety

Cylinder Injury Results in Lawsuit

An injury of a guest by a carbon dioxide cylinder results in a lawsuit. The lawsuit lists 5 different claims involving everyone from the facility, to the handler to the business that rented the cylinder.


Cylinder Ruptures in U.S. cause fatalities

Cylinders rupture all over the world, for many reasons. Some people believe that since it happens in some countries, it wont happen to them in their country. People handling cylinders become too comfortable . Constant training will help avoid accidents, investigations and civil litigation.

Cylinder Safety

$26,000 Fine for Cylinder, Lack of Training and Debris

In the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), regulates and investigates workplace safety. Most countries have their equivalent of OSHA which works in a similar manner. OSHA may conduct random checks, follow up on registered complaints or investigate accidents involving the safety of workers.

737 destroy3
Cylinder Safety

737 Destroyed During Oxygen Refill Operation

A 737 aircraft landed at an airport near the Caspian Sea. 142 passengers had departed along with the 5 crew members. The crew reported that the cabin oxygen pressure was at 900 psi. The ground crew was attempting to trans fill the oxygen from an 1800 PSI oxygen source. It is reported that the ground crew tested the equipment to assure the supply gas was at 1800 psi.


2 Gas Cylinder Ruptures Delay Vessel Operation Over 8 Months

Ships and buildings are outfitted with inert gas fire suppression systems. In the event of a fire, the cylinder valves activate, filling a room or compartment with inert gas, displacing the oxygen. Since fire requires oxygen to continue combustion, removing the oxygen from the room or compartment stops the fire.

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